Monday, July 12, 2010

Lone Peak Dental

A few month ago I took a photo for the woman and their children from Lone Peak Dental to be published in Utah Valley Magazine. I had to wait until it was printed in the July/August issue to share these. It was a very quick session due to some harsh weather that day , but somehow the rain and wind paused just long enough to get at least one with the exact look they wanted for the magazine.

Here are a few others from our 15 minutes out in the cold:

Such cute boys kissing their new brother in Mommy's tummy!


Sandi said...

Those turned out really nice. Cute idea to have all the dental hygenists with glowing white teeth endorsing their apples.

Congrats on getting published!

Bethany said...

I really like the one with the kids running by the tree, but they are all amazing.